Friday, September 11, 2009

reflection on class activity for ASP

hye guys..I already done my class activity for ASP..after facing a lot of problems using my laptop i decide to do it at faculty group members are:
1.Fatimah Hishamuddin

steps for this actvity
1.create a new site and name it as activity
2.create a new database file at access, name it as data.mdb and save it at info folder
3.then, we create the following fields in the table

4. next, we setup the connection
connection name:dmx1
connection string: "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ="&
5.then, setup the registration page as below and save it as registration.asp:

6. next, we writing the data into database using the insert record. we have to make sure in the forms elements section, each text field will be inserted into the correct field in MS acces

7.create the following layout for guestbook and save it as view.asp
8. next, we have to drag the Recordset1 into the column that we have created in view.asp.
9. next, we highlight the table and click = button on the panel and select repeat region.
10.then, to execute the file, we open back the registration.asp, double click the insert record behavoir in werver behavoir and add view.asp in after inserting, go to. then click ok
10. below is the preview of my registration page:
11.below is the example when user have registered

that's all from me..


  1. ok...thanx to your group fatimah...your steps easy to understand...seems you really understand what are you doing...congratulation.....
    so ready to the next step....such as user aunthentication, update and delete record, go to detail pages and go to related page...all this steps is related to your 1 exercise and continued by all the step that i've said..

    Good luck

  2. yup..i'm ready to learn new knowledge..feel excited when we can get as what we want..hopefully 2morrow i can do all d steps given..
